who will be next World Bank President What will they do


Thunderous comments Venerable British daily The Times, known as The Thunderer, opined today in an editorial that "to safeguard the credibility of the reforms for which he fought, Mr Wolfowitz must hold himself to those same standards."

But it's been heavily out-thundered by Joseph A. Palermo, on the Huffington Post.

Palermo's summarises Wolfowitz's errors, then concludes: "Wolfowitz is ruthless and corrupt, and he has disgraced the military, the World Bank, and his alma mater, Cornell University, where his father was a math professor. Wolfowitz represents everything that is wrong with the Bush Era: people who screw-up are promoted because of their ideological purity rather than their abilities; there is no accountability for lies and misguided policies.

Bush thinks he's a king, and Cheney is running the country like a CEO from Enron. Wolfowitz has been one of their key players ever since his days as Cheney's assistant when he was Defense Secretary under Bush I, and his time with the Project for a New American Century. It is time for Wolfowitz to be relieved of his post at the World Bank before he can do even more damage".

Less thunderous, but more melodic: New Pairodimes signs off saying that this episode reminds him/her of a song: Lovers in a Dangerous Time (and adds in a YouTube video of that song for good measure).

Alex Wilks ~ April 13, 2007

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