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Hell Hath No Fury Suzanne Rich Folsom, Paul Wolfowitz's hand-picked director of Institutional Integrity (sic), is fighting mad. She is fighting hard to shut down the internal discussion threads, citing in particular comments about her, and about INT, some apparently from her own people. Why?

She's arguing that there's "exposure" to the Bank because some of the comments are "slanderous" to INT and, ahem, to her personally. So far, EXT colleagues and Bank Legal can't imagine what she's talking about. After all, even if the Bank weren't immune from suit (which it is), that's not a reason to threaten to investigate the lot, Suzanne. And as an ethics lawyer would know, after serving breakfast to Republicans feting George Bush I's inauguration, you have to prove malicious intent, and that the allegations were false.

Good luck.

(If I were Paul Wolfowitz and his cronies, I'd be worried that shutting down the internal spaces might just take this conversation directly to the various internet blogs, making it easier for everyone on the Internet to see just what they've been up too. Bad idea...)

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