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Africans horrified.
Africans have now started also to raise objections to the World Bank presidential nominee. The Reporter (Gabarone) says the appointment "raises critical issues about the independence of the institution and its ability to give development loans to countries that do not conform to the Americanisation of the world. It is clear that the White House intends to use the World Bank to spread its influence". The Sunday Independent (South Africa) speculates that Finance Minister Trevor Manuel, who heads the World Bank's development committee, might lend muscle to efforts aimed at thwarting Wolfowitz's appointment. The former president of Senegal and now head of La Francophonie, Abdou Diouf, said on Sunday that he was "very surprised" about the nomination. The Congress of South African Trade Unions said that it was "shocked" at the nomination of "such a conservative ... into a position which ought to be advancing the interests of the poor". Sadly Africa has very little say in this matter which directly affects this continent more than any other. Alex Wilks ~ March 20, 2005
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