who will be next World Bank President What will they do


Left or right. Spurred on by Wolfowitz's appointment, there's a quite a ding-dong on the web about whether the right or left have the best ideas about development.

"On those few occasions when [Conservatives] think about the subject, conservatives recite a stale catechism of clichés based on virtually no research or experience," writes Fareed Zakaria in Newsweek.

Nick Schulz disagrees:

""That Zakaria stuff is an outrage. He has no idea what he’s talking about. All the interesting ideas about development in recent years have come from the political right or from non-ideological folks (Hernando de Soto, William Easterly, etc.)."

David Steven ~ March 26, 2005

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Zoellick bearhug photo.
Like old times: Zoellick and Lamy
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Zoellick will get the nod from Germany.
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