who will be next World Bank President What will they do


A solution for the World Bank? A senior Bank staffer has suggested a sensible way forward. Wolfowitz should resign, and managing director Graeme Wheeler should step in as acting president until such time as the Americans and the Europeans can agree on an open, transparent and merit-based selection process for Wolfowitz' successor.

Under this plan, Wolfowitz would resign and Wheeler would step in as acting president. My source says Wheeler is a capable pair of hands to guide the Bank through challenges on the immediate horizon such as the IDA replenishment process.

This would take away any excuse that the Americans might have that 'there isn't time' to end the carve-up that gives the right to select the head of the Bank to them and the right to name the head of the Fund to the Europeans. And while the Americans and the Europeans are at it, they might think that systems for evaluating the performance of the president would be a useful addition.

Following Wolfowitz, those he appointed through improper processes, or who are unqualified for their posts, or who have acted unethically since their appointments, should resign or be sacked. This includes (at least) Robin Cleveland, Kevin Kellems, Juan José Daboub, Ana Palacio and Suzanne Rich Folsom. (With the savings from losing this dead wood for a while, the Bank might just be able to afford Wolfowitz' severance package - eds.)

Wheeler would then be charged with working with human resources to replace needed posts in an open, transparent, merit-based manner following Bank protocols.

Looking forward to comments on this one.

Jeff Powell ~ April 29, 2007


Graeme Wheeler would be a good choice, and easily available, to take over right away and clean up anything that needs fixing right away. Another fine option would be Jeff Goldstein. Jeff, who worked for Wolfensohn and then came in as CFO, established himself as a straight shooter, honest and decisive. He managed the last IDA fundraising. He has a network of upstanding senior staff who could help move this along. And he's an American.

Deep Insider ~ April 29, 2007, 01:39 PM

There are two missing links in the above suggestion:

- The current Human Resources VP (Xavier Coll) should be sacked for his inability and timidity for not upholding the integrity of the institution. EIB (his next tour of duty): please note. Alongwith, the entire overpaid and incompetent HR officers should be fired. They keep promoting themselves; it's about time that the entire outfit/processes comes under scrutinity.

- Relatedly, the majority of Third World members of the Resident Board of Executive Board consists of "brief case carriers" for their bosses back home. Most often, the personal agenda is to prolong their own tenure in the US beyond the expiration of their terms. Thus, these shareholders need to offer plum positions based on merit rather than cronyism.

Blue-Ribbon Wearer ~ April 29, 2007, 02:31 PM

Graeme Wheeler could perfectly fill in the shoes of acting World Bank President. He should proceed quickly recruiting another no-nonsense MD with business experience (Daboub will soon "pursue other interests" in the public/private sphere (delete where not applicable)). Jeff Goldstein is not the best choice as an alternative. His deciseveness was not of the caliber needed to clean the present mess.

Realistic Observer ~ April 29, 2007, 02:53 PM

Comment to Deep Insider (re The Week-End Cometh):

I agree with Deep Insider that clarity on FFF is needed as the World Bank Board concludes its due diligence on the situation. Also, the presumption that Shaha does not cost anything to FFF is a bone-fide assumption that, given the circumstances, ought to be independently validated.

...Of course, moving Shaha to the Foundation for the Future might fix that, even a year late, even though most of its money comes from State, presumably via appropriated funds, too. But as Shaha does not cost them anything there either (still on the Bank's tab), "curiouser and curiouser" as Lewis Carroll might have written. No word yet on FFF's Washington, DC branch mentioned in the Foundation's website--anyone know where the Verizon and PEPCO bills are sent, who the landlord is?...

Realistic Observer ~ April 29, 2007, 03:28 PM

Ms. Riza probably accrues 26 annual leave days a year (or maybe 28?). Was HR keeping track of her attendance during the time when the State Department considered her as not detailed (or seconded) to the State Department, or will Ms. Riza automatically get the equivalent of $20,000 (tax-free) bonus per year since HR doesn't know any better?

Shocked and awed by the Riza deal ~ April 29, 2007, 08:58 PM

today's NYT/IHT carries a story by steve weisman with a quote from robert bennett, threatening to demand disclosure of other staffs' compensation -- presumably in a bid to diminish the outrageousness of the scope of riza's compensation. this is yet another example of the ignorance of PW (we call him "pee wee") and a clear violation of the rules regarding confidentiality of staff information. these rules were set up (in the 1940s) to prevent member states or other hostile parties from extorting the bank and its employees, just as the tax-free status of bank employees was in recognition of their "international" status and meant to reduce any potential coersive influence of corrupt regimes on their work. now, here pee wee and his attorney are guilty of the behaviours that these rules were meant to deter.

wbstaffer ~ April 29, 2007, 11:06 PM

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