who will be next World Bank President What will they do


Lobbying and jostling. The Independent describes the intense jostling for position going on around the World Bank at the moment. It comments that President George Bush will soon make "one of the most important appointments of his second term when he names a new president of the World Bank, the flagship global institution of development".

It calls the rumoured candidates "an especially intriguing mix" and provides a run-down of their attributes.

Carly Fiorina: "No track record on development issues, and her defenestration from HP is hardly a plus on her CV."

Paul Wolfowitz: "Might be vetoed by the Europeans in protest at his role in the Iraq war. Not a development specialist".

John Taylor: "A top-flight macroeconomic theorist. But has lost bureaucratic turf battles within the Bush administration. He might be better suited to the IMF than the Bank".

Colin Powell: "Deeply respected around the world, and has taken a keen interest in development issues. The job is probably Powell's for the asking. Unfortunately, he's shown no sign of being interested".

Bono: "A passionate advocate of aid to poor countries, and led the 2000 Drop the Debt campaign. Would certainly keep the Bank in the headlines".

The paper fails to declare itself for any of the above and unaccountably fails to mention McPherson or Krueger.

Alex Wilks ~ March 07, 2005

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