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Riza whispering campaign. The whispering campaign directed against Wolfie's partner, Shaha Ali Riza, continues.

This anonymous blog post is doing the rounds at the Bank at the moment - and we've been receiving copies all day!

According to Freerider, who mostly blogs on investment ideas, Riza was fired from her last job because she was "a complete nut case":

"was fired because she verbally attacked two of her colleagues at a Monday morning staff meeting, and she was politely told to shut up, the Monday morning staff meeting is not the place to air grievances.

"A few days later she was fired. Then, after that, she showed up at a board meeting, walked in, sat down, and proceeded to sit through the entire board meeting even though she was no longer an employee and had no reason to be there. She was sitting next to me, and I thought she must have had some reason to be there, but then afterwards when management went ballistic I realized that, yes, that was strange.

"She once chewed me out because I didn't put an invitation in her mailbox. I was about to give her a piece of my mind, like, "Listen lady, why don't you take your Oxford degree and figure out how to use your email," but I just laughed it off and chalked it up to her complete nuttiness."

We can offer no confirmation of these allegations - so handle with extreme care. As Soren noted earlier, some report a great deal of respect for Riza and her work...

David Steven ~ March 28, 2005

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