who will be next World Bank President What will they do


Rogoff backs Manuel. In a comment in UK daily The Guardian, former IMF chief economist Kenneth Rogoff calls for Wolfowitz to step down, and gives a nod to South African finance minister Trevor Manuel. more...

Jeff Powell ~ April 19, 2007

Like Liechtenstein. "By treating the [World Bank presidency] as if it's an ambassadorship to Liechtenstein," the New York Times writes, "we fail to consider the most highly qualified candidates and too easily fall into the trap of using the bank as a tool of American policy."

As examples of non-US nationals who are well qualified for the job, it mentions Gordon Brown, Trevor Manuel and Kemal Dervis (names you read here first), while adding Ernesto Zedillo, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and Leszek Balcerowicz to the pot. more...

David Steven ~ February 20, 2005

Manuel makes his play? Last week, worldbankpresident.org broke the story that Trevor Manuel - South African finance minister - was being touted as candidate for World Bank president.

Now, Bloomberg's Simon Kennedy and Michael McKee report that Manuel has used the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos to push for consideration of a non-US president. more...

David Steven ~ January 26, 2005

Manuel the coming man? I have been told by sources in and near the Bank that Trevor Manuel is a key figure people are considering as a way of opening up the Bank president selection.

Some people have appealed to Manuel to put his name forward for the position. Others are hoping the Europeans will do so. They feel that a nomination of the South African finance minister (who currently chairs the Development Committee, the ministerial body which oversees the Bank’s activities) would have to be taken seriously and would raise the bar for other candidates, whether from the USA or from other developing countries. more...

Alex Wilks ~ January 20, 2005


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Wolfowitz-Riza-Cleveland: New Evil-doing?
Wolfowitz's right hand man jumps ship.
Caught in the World Bank storm.
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Zoellick bearhug photo.
Like old times: Zoellick and Lamy
Another middle aged white American for the World Bank !
Globe and Mail: Euros Already Agreed not to Raise Questions
Official: Zoellick according to AP.
It's (un)Official: Zoellick
Zoellick will get the nod from Germany.
An opportunity at the World Bank
UPI: Wolfowitz Replacement This Week
UK involvement in the Foundation for the Future.


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