who will be next World Bank President What will they do


Not delighted about Taylor. King Banaian - a St Cloud State University economist, rather than a monarch - is glad that "heavy handed" Jim Wolfensohn is on his way out of the Bank and pleased that Robert Zoellick is no longer in line for the job.

But he isn't happy that "underwhelming" John Taylor is now tipped for the post - citing this WSF article (scroll for it) as evidence...

David Steven ~ January 11, 2005

Zoellick for State Department. The WSJ confirms that Zoellick is out of the running for the World Bank...

Update: Here's the official press release and, as a bonus, a typically gauche offering from BBC online.

David Steven ~ January 06, 2005

Zoellick no longer Bank favourite. It won't be Zoellick, according to the Nelson Report, an insiders' briefing that circulates around Washington (not online), but Bill Clinton may be worth an outside bet!

"The Bob Zoellick for Deputy Secretary of State under Condi Rice rumor is true, bearing in mind that the gods can always change their minds," Chris Nelson writes. more...

David Steven ~ January 06, 2005

Bob Zoellick is an outlier in the Bush economic team," writes Wolfensohn biographer, Sebastian Mallaby.

"He is not an ideologue. He is not a former private-sector chieftain. He has not been dismissed yet. Whereas the style of the Bush people is measured, plain-spoken and determinedly unflustered, Zoellick is intense, wonkish and furiously competitive. Rather like his short mustache, he bristles with a fiery energy." more...

David Steven ~ January 03, 2005

Robert Zoellick is being touted as the favourite to become the next World Bank President, especially after Colin Powell ruled himself out of the running.

Activists, however, are not happy. more...

David Steven ~ January 03, 2005

The Washington Post floats a selection of candidates for the Bank job: Robert Zoellick, the U.S. Trade Representative; John Taylor, the undersecretary of the treasury for international affairs; Randall Tobias, the US's global AIDS coordinator; Christine Todd Whitman, the former director of the Environmental Protection Agency; and Carla Hills, who was the elder Bush's trade rep.

David Steven ~ January 03, 2005


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