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Card wants Snow.
Libération says at least ten minutes of every Washington dinner party are spent guessing who will be the next World Bank president. It reminds correspondent Pascal Riche of a game described by 19th century French author Guy de Maupassant where people used to work out who would replace deceased academics. "Everyone makes their list. People challenge, discuss, calculate. There is nothing more fun, nothing, absolutely nothing." Alex Wilks ~ March 11, 2005 London Times backs Bono.
The Times is not keen on Taylor or Tobias (insufficient stature) or Fiorina (the job would be a reward for failure). David Steven ~ March 02, 2005 Wolfowitz touted.
The FT drops a bombshell this morning - Paul Wolfowitz is now a leading candidate for World Bank president. David Steven ~ March 01, 2005 Insider speaks out.
"An open process with a search panel should be the approach for all multilateral institutions," says Peter Woicke, outgoing executive vice president of the World Bank's private lending arm, the International Finance Corporation. David Steven ~ February 03, 2005 Outside the box.
In an editorial, the Washington Post dismisses the claims of all leading candidates for presidency of the "powerful but fragile" World Bank - bar Colin Powell, who may not be willing to take the job on. David Steven ~ January 23, 2005 Who runs the world?
We get a nice plug from Noura Boustany in the Washington Post (scroll for it, free subs), who reckons that Randall Tobias is the only "major remaining candidate" for president, with Colin Powell and Christine Todd Whitman out of the running. David Steven ~ January 19, 2005 The Washington Post floats a selection of candidates for the Bank job: Robert Zoellick, the U.S. Trade Representative; John Taylor, the undersecretary of the treasury for international affairs; Randall Tobias, the US's global AIDS coordinator; Christine Todd Whitman, the former director of the Environmental Protection Agency; and Carla Hills, who was the elder Bush's trade rep. David Steven ~ January 03, 2005 |
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