who will be next World Bank President What will they do


Bye bye Taylor. Erstwhile favourite for World Bank President, John Taylor, is out of a job.

Must be galling to beaver away for so long promoting the US line on international development, only to see an even more controversial figure nip in and snatch the big job at the Bank!

David Steven ~ March 22, 2005

France and Germany take their distance. Encouraging signs that at least some European governments are distancing themselves from the Wolfowitz nomination. German development minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul said "the enthusiasm in old Europe is not exactly overwhelming." French foreign minister Michel Barnier said: "it's a proposal. We shall examine it in the context of the personality of the person you mention and perhaps in view of other candidates." more...

Alex Wilks ~ March 16, 2005

More networking than nous. The Times of London gives a run-down of the candidates for World Bank president who it believes can restore the intellectual rigour squandered by James Wolfensohn's habit of pandering to "every single-issue protest group in sight."

While Jim Leach is a "dullard" and Carly Fiorina a "showy" lightweight, Wolfowitz is "brilliant and still the favourite," and John Taylor - praised for opposing the International Finance Facility - and Kenneth Rogoff would offer solid management. more...

David Steven ~ March 04, 2005

London Times backs Bono. The Times is not keen on Taylor or Tobias (insufficient stature) or Fiorina (the job would be a reward for failure).

Perhaps surprisingly, the paper joins the Bono bandwagon: "Bono has international credibility, a keen understanding of development issues and, through his mega-earnings with U2, a handle on money."

David Steven ~ March 02, 2005

Wolfowitz touted. The FT drops a bombshell this morning - Paul Wolfowitz is now a leading candidate for World Bank president.

Wolfowitz would be a hugely controversial choice, with a Bush official admitting his appointment would have "enormous repercussions within the development community."

Tobias, Taylor and McPherson are also said to be on the shortlist, though the latter two are apparently no longer leading candidates...

David Steven ~ March 01, 2005

Cloning Zedillo. In a letter to the FT, Jagdish Bhagwati puffs Ernesto Zedillo ("huge stature, graciousness and total familiarity with the complex issues of development") and knifes Wolfensohn ("a crisis of leadership" at the Bank).

Given that Zedillo is mentioned in connection with every top international job, Bhagwati concludes that there are two choices: clone him or go for McPherson or Taylor instead...

David Steven ~ February 23, 2005

Like Liechtenstein. "By treating the [World Bank presidency] as if it's an ambassadorship to Liechtenstein," the New York Times writes, "we fail to consider the most highly qualified candidates and too easily fall into the trap of using the bank as a tool of American policy."

As examples of non-US nationals who are well qualified for the job, it mentions Gordon Brown, Trevor Manuel and Kemal Dervis (names you read here first), while adding Ernesto Zedillo, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and Leszek Balcerowicz to the pot. more...

David Steven ~ February 20, 2005

Taylor watch. The New York Times is sceptical about John Taylor's plans for World Bank debt forgiveness ("an accounting gimmick"), while the Washington Post repeats speculation that Taylor will soon be replaced by Tim Adams at the Treasury.

David Steven ~ February 14, 2005

Taylor snubs Brown. In what may his last hurrah at the US Treasury, leading World Bank presidential contender John Taylor has poured cold water on the UK's poposals for an International Finance Facility for developing countries.

In London for the G7 finance ministers summit (his boss pulled out with a cold), this is not a move likely to enhance Taylor's shakey international appeal - unless he thinks that scotching Gordon Brown's plan is the best way to butter-up Tony Blair...

David Steven ~ February 04, 2005

Taylor and the Fed. John Taylor may be well-backed for World Bank president, but he's also connected with another job - filling Alan Greenspan's shoes at the Federal Reserve.

The odds of that, however, appear to be lengthening, with an anonymous "Fed watcher" knifing him for CNN: more...

David Steven ~ February 02, 2005

Taylor getting close? We're wondering whether John Taylor is closing in on the job. Yesterday, we reported speculation he's on his way from the Treasury, while today's exclusive on Bush's selection panel further bolsters his front-runner status.

The panel has three members - two worked for Condi Rice until recently. Rice is, of course, a member with Taylor of the Stanford/Hoover cabal that have supported Bush from way back when. more...

David Steven ~ February 02, 2005

The White House Kingmakers. Three intriguing - and potentially important - nuggets reach us that throw a little light on the process for selecting the next World Bank president.

First: three White House staffers are thought to be running the candidate selection process. Second: the US Treasury is said to be out of the loop - possibly because of John Taylor's interest in the job. And third: George Bush is believed to want to announce a candidate by the end of February. more...

David Steven ~ February 02, 2005

Taylor moves on. John Taylor is rumoured to be on his way out of the US Treasury, with Reuters reporting that Tim Adams (policy director on the Bush campaign) will replace him, maybe as soon as this week.

Is Taylor on his way back to academia or does this clear his path to the World Bank?

David Steven ~ February 01, 2005

Outside the box. In an editorial, the Washington Post dismisses the claims of all leading candidates for presidency of the "powerful but fragile" World Bank - bar Colin Powell, who may not be willing to take the job on.

"If Mr. Powell is not interested, the Bush administration should think outside the box," it says, without giving us any help as to what "out of the box" might mean in this context. more...

David Steven ~ January 23, 2005

Fund/Bank musical chairs? One theory now doing the rounds in Washington is that Anne Krueger will be offered the World Bank presidency while John Taylor will be given Krueger’s current job. Krueger is now second in command at the IMF.

Alex Wilks ~ January 22, 2005

Europeans against Taylor. We have received a further insider e-mail indicating that "judging from the corridor conversations occurring now at the Bank's Board, nearly all major European shareholders of the Bank are going to strongly oppose the candidacy of John Taylor". They say that Europeans may restrain themselves from proposing other candidates, hoping to pressure the Bush administration to propose some US ones that they will find acceptable. more...

Alex Wilks ~ January 12, 2005

Not delighted about Taylor. King Banaian - a St Cloud State University economist, rather than a monarch - is glad that "heavy handed" Jim Wolfensohn is on his way out of the Bank and pleased that Robert Zoellick is no longer in line for the job.

But he isn't happy that "underwhelming" John Taylor is now tipped for the post - citing this WSF article (scroll for it) as evidence...

David Steven ~ January 11, 2005

Taylor tipped, Powell and McPherson also running. U.S. Treasury undersecretary for international affairs John Taylor "appeared to move ahead as a top contender for the job" in the eyes of Reuters late yesterday. His position overseeing the international financial institutions for Treasury since mid-2001 certainly makes him a powerful player in the Bank.

Italian TV station Rai Uno is among those who see Colin Powell's speeches during his tour in tsunami-struck Asia as a warm-up for a serious candidacy for the Bank position. more...

Alex Wilks ~ January 07, 2005

Euro problems with Taylor. France's Les Echos reports (subs) that European governments may try to veto John Taylor (also in the frame to replace Greenspan) if George Bush puts him forward for World Bank president.

Apparently, they're unhappy that Taylor may try to stop concessional lending...

David Steven ~ January 06, 2005

The Washington Post floats a selection of candidates for the Bank job: Robert Zoellick, the U.S. Trade Representative; John Taylor, the undersecretary of the treasury for international affairs; Randall Tobias, the US's global AIDS coordinator; Christine Todd Whitman, the former director of the Environmental Protection Agency; and Carla Hills, who was the elder Bush's trade rep.

David Steven ~ January 03, 2005


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